The emotional toll of ending a marriage often takes time to overcome. This can make it challenging to communicate with your ex regarding matters related to the children. It’s critical that you take the necessary steps to try to improve communication so the children’s...
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Family Law
Why would the court invalidate a prenup?
If you’re going through a divorce and have a prenuptial agreement, you may assume that many details of the divorce have already been decided. For instance, you and your spouse may have already agreed on how to split some of your marital assets. This can streamline the...
Can your spouse really “take the kids” and refuse you access?
People say a lot of things they don’t mean when they’re angry – and a spouse who realizes that they’ve lost control of their life because divorce is looming will sometimes lash out with threats. One of the most common threats that one spouse may make to another before...
Getting divorced doesn’t always mean selling the business
You and your spouse are joint business owners, and you started the company together. You both own it. Maybe you have an official partnership agreement in place, or perhaps you’re just married co-owners without any sort of legal agreement. You assumed that the marriage...
Can you protect retirement assets in divorce?
Getting a divorce can raise some questions about your financial future. This is especially true if you are nearing retirement age. You and your spouse may have been saving for retirement jointly or counting on the same retirement plan. But now you have to divide your...